to know someone or how
beh hus sin
Similar to yesterday’s word, bééhasin has to do with the knowledge of other people or a skill. In particular, it means ‘to know (either a person or how to do something)’.
This verb is conjugated, so the word alters depending on point-of-view. Here they are:
- bééhasin (also: báhasin, or bééhonisin) (speaking about one’s self)
- bééhonísin (speaking about the person you’re speaking to)
- yééhósin (speaking about someone not in the conversation)
- bééhoniilzin (about one’s self and another person)
- bééhonohsin (about the person you’re speaking to and another)
- yééhósin (about two people not in the conversation)
- béédahoniilzin (about one’s self and two or more other people)
- béédahonohsin (about the person you’re speaking to and two or more people)
- yéédahósin (about a group of three or more people)
In the last three plural forms you’ll notice -da-. This is a pluralizing word particle that’s used for both verbs and nouns (dabilį́į́’, for example, means “those peoples’ horses”; da + bí + łį́į́’).
Richard Ben Shelly yééhósin. (Richard knows Ben Shelly.)
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